
Riko is a lovely adult female who was born with a paw deformity known as a lobster claw. Her new foster mom shared the following information with us: “I’ve been the lucky one chosen to foster Riko. She truly is a special little calico girl with beautiful emerald green eyes who has a bit of a deformed foot. It kind of looks like she carries a little pea shooter gun around. It also doesn’t seem to affect anything she does. She’s very playful, runs, jumps, climbs, and snuggles. She gets along fine with my cat, but prefers people. She’s one of the most friendliest and adaptable cats I’ve fostered yet. It took her 10mins to snoop through the house, make all the people pet her then straight to her bed. She is very cuddly and affectionate. Riko is the first cat we have had that makes every human in the house feel like they are her favorite. We all get equal love from her. We are still getting to know her. There is no doubt she will be a perfect addition to any family that is looking for a snuggle bug that loves hard”.

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